New learning technologies at UBC undergo a rigorous process of evaluation and preparation before rolling out to the wider community as officially supported technology. These are a few of the innovative projects that have been or are currently being assessed. You can also read more about正式飞行员如何工作。
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新的学习技术在技术上进行了评估教育to assess their potential value. TheLT Hub Leadership考虑教学,技术,财务,安全和隐私问题,以达到在机构层面所提供的每个工具所提供的支持的最终决定。以下是最近考虑学习技术的状态。
正式的试点状态可能是:计划(评估预计在明年内),Active Pilot(evaluation currently underway), a决定待定(评估完成但等待支持的机构决定),或达成的决定(对支持/正在进行的机构决定)。
Tool | 地位 | 细节 |
盟友 |
达成的决定 Central Support & Funding |
该大学决定采用盟友,是一种提高数字内容可访问性的工具。将通过LT Hub和相关的教学支持单元提供对服务的支持,并通过请求在课程中激活它,同时探索所有课程的选项。 |
Badgr. |
达成的决定 Central Support, Decentralized Funding |
该大学决定采用Badgr,这是一个认可和跟踪课程成就的工具。将通过LT Hub和相关的教学支持单位提供对服务的支持,并通过CANVAS免费访问BADGR,并提供有限的功能。专业版的合同正在进行中,但希望使用Pro Verion的教师应首先使用各自的单位进行检查,以确定有多少资金。 |
猫头鹰 |
达成的决定 没有中央支持或资金 |
The University has decided not to adopt CATME, a tool for asking students to review the contributions of their peers in group work. This decision follows recommendations from the 2020 Student Peer Assessment Tools Working Group to instead further develop iPeer to support similar use cases. In the interim, no funding was approved for CATME, with iPeer being the centrally supported alternative. |
课程空间 |
决定待定 (审查正在进行中) |
课程空间,基于WordPress的分享课程内容平台,已完成其正式试点阶段,并且不久将从UBC领导的决定是预期的。 |
众多人 |
达成的决定 Central Support, Decentralized Funding |
The University has decided to adopt Crowdmark as an online platform for easier distributed exam grading. Support for the service will be provided through the LT Hub and relevant instructional support units. However, details on funding for the service are still being determined. |
edX Edge |
达成的决定 Central Support & Funding |
该大学决定采用EDX EDGE用于校园的课程交付。通过LT HUB和相关的教学支持单元提供对服务的支持。 |
GradeScope. |
达成的决定 Central Support, Decentralized Funding |
The University has decided to adopt Gradescope as an online platform for easier distributed exam grading. Support for the service will be provided through the LT Hub and relevant instructional support units. However, details on funding for the service are still being determined. |
Mattermost |
达成的决定 Central Support, Decentralized Funding |
该大学决定尽最大追随团队聊天工具,以促进课程和队列中的沟通和合作。通过LT HUB和相关的教学支持单元提供对服务的支持。但是,该工具的资金是在每个教师的基础上提供的。希望使用该服务的教师应首先使用各自的单位进行检查以确定有多少资金。 |
peerScholar |
达成的决定 Central Support & Funding |
The University has decided to adopt peerScholar to facilitate highly customizable student-based assessments of peer work. Support for the service is provided through the LT Hub and relevant instructional support units. |
Proctorio. |
达成的决定 Central Support, Decentralized Funding |
该大学采用了Proctorio作为自动遥控器的选择,使学生能够更轻松地在距离考试。使用此距离服务有收费。希望使用该服务的教师需要首先使用各自的单位进行检查以确定有多少资金。 |
集成状态可能是:计划(调查在明年内预期)积极调查(调查技术和隐私考虑),或Completed(investigation complete, with acceptance or rejection outcome).
Canvas Integration | 地位 | 细节 |
WebWork. |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
此分配和测验应用程序已与画布集成。 |
班级 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This scheduling system for chemistry labs has been integrated with Canvas. |
合作超级 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This web conferencing tool has been integrated into Canvas. |
合格 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
基于比较的对等评估工具已与画布集成。 |
考察 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This remote proctoring application has been integrated with Canvas. There is a charge for the use of this proctoring service - please see ourtool page更多细节。 |
Iclicker Classic. |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
此课堂响应工具已与画布集成。 |
ipeer. |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This peer review tool has been integrated with Canvas. |
kaltura. |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
此视频录制,上传和共享工具已与画布集成。 |
锁定浏览器 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
在测验期间锁定学生浏览器使用的这种方式已经集成到画布中。 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
Our system for managing and requesting course reserves has been integrated with Canvas. |
皮尔逊 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
Pearson Publisher内容现在通过Willo Labs集成到画布中。Willo Labs使UBC能够在Canvas中提供发布者内容,而无需与发布商公司共享学生数据。 |
Piazza |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This online Q&A discussion application has been integrated with Canvas. |
respons quiz. |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
This assessment creation/management tool has been integrated with Canvas. |
滚动呼叫考勤 |
Completed 不可用 |
LT Hub Leadership has considered the request to enable the Roll Call integration and decided not to enable it based on the current functionality. We recommend attendance continue to be taken via traditional means. |
转钥匙 |
Completed 不可用 |
与此分配提交工具的CANVAS的集成目前符合BC数据隐私法。 |
UBC Blogs |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
此博客工具已与画布集成。 |
维基嵌入 |
积极调查 |
Testing currently underway. This integration will allow content from the UBC Wiki to be embedded into Canvas. |
Wiley Plus |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
Wiley Plus Publisher内容现在通过Willo Labs集成到Canvas。Willo Labs使UBC能够在Canvas中提供发布者内容,而无需与发布商公司共享学生数据。 |
算盘 |
Completed 在帆布中提供 |
本研究库数据库应用程序已与画布集成。 |
众多人 |
Completed 与帆布集成 |
该分布式考试分级平台已与画布集成。但是,教师需要联系LT Hub来完成设置。 |
GradeScope. |
积极调查 |
测试目前underway to integrate this platform for distributed exam grading with Canvas. |