
UBC博客是一个交互式网站建设平台,您可以在其中创建分享内容的网站你自己或一个团体。这些网站可能导致诸如组博客或个人投资组合之类的结果 - 全部内置于灵活上WordPressFoundation,它可以帮助您实现不同的主题和附加工具,而无需学习代码。



You can use UBC Blogs to create a website for a variety of purposes:

  • 为课程或俱乐部的同行创作组网站
  • 发布个别分配或项目
  • 显示您的学术或工作经验的投资组合或反思


A supported web browser


A UBC Blogs account

Accounts for UBC Blogs are based on UBC CWLs (Campus-Wide Logins), so all students who have a CWL can create an account themselves. Account creation will happen automatically the first time you log in to UBC Blogs.


  • 这re is no limit to the number of UBC Blogs sites you can have,但请负责任地创造。
  • 不知道如何博客?找tips for getting started with blogs来自Chapman学习的公开,其中包括五个问题在你的第一篇帖子之前问自己。



Click any bar below for instructions and tips for using UBC Blogs.


  1. Go to博客.UBC.CA/WP-ADMIN.and use your UBC CWL username and password to log in.
  2. If this is your first time logging in, follow the prompts to complete signing up for your UBC Blogs account.



  1. 去吧UBC Blogs sign-up page, and clickCreate a Website
  2. Scroll down and fill in the form:
    • 网站名称- 这将形成新站点的Web地址或URL的一部分。所有UBC博客都有一个以“blogs.ubc.ca”开头的地址,然后包含您的网站名称。
    • Site Title- This is the title for your site and does not affect the web address. You can change your site title at any time.
    • 网站语言- 选择以英语或法语显示您的网站。
    • 隐私- 您可以允许搜索引擎索引此站点,这意味着可以由Internet上的任何人搜索并找到。您可以随时更改此设置;但是,它不会立即从搜索结果中删除。
  3. Click创建网站


  • 这site name cannot be changed after you create it, so make sure you pick something that fits.
  • Even if you make your whole site public, you can fine-tune the privacy of specific contentto make it accessible only to certain groups of people. This can be done by添加密码保护to individual posts or pages and sharing the password with anyone who you want to have access.
  • You can change the look and feel of your site通过改变主题。从您网站的仪表板,将鼠标悬停在侧边栏中,然后选择主题。将鼠标悬停在任何主题上,然后单击“激活”以使用它。




  1. 登录UBC博客with your CWL.
  2. From the Dashboard, hover over the Pages or Posts item in the sidebar, and select添新
  3. Use the text editor to add content to the page or post. You can preview and save a draft of your work as you go.
    • In adding content to your pages and posts, be careful if you copy text directly from a Word document, because the headings are not pasted consistently with the right format in UBC Blogs. Using the right headings in your content is important for accessibility.
  4. 探索编辑界面的不同部分,以查找您的页面或帖子的其他可自定义选项,如它位于站点层次结构(对于页面)以及用它显示的日期(帖子)。
  5. When you are ready to put the content on your site, click发布。您的页面或帖子将被添加到您的网站中查找其他人。


  • 如果您的网站是公开的,请记住避免共享机密信息,例如您的学号,联系方式或其他个人识别信息。这UBC数字纹身网站有更多关于如何保护您的隐私并保留您的在线完整性。
  • 页面可用于共享您的主要内容。For example, you could have pages for information about the author (you) or your projects. Underneath each page, you can create sub-pages to further organize your content.
  • 帖子可用于共享基于时间的内容。例如,您可以使用帖子发布关于即将到来的事件的公告或按顺序展示项目。
  • 可以安排帖子而不是立即发布,通过将来与他们关联的日期设置。
  • For extra editing features, you can enable the Gutenberg editor, which adds time-savers like reusable blocks of content. From the Dashboard of your site, hover over the Settings item in the sidebar, and select Writing. Check the boxes for enabling Gutenberg features on pages, posts, and blocks, then save your changes.

上传a file to use on your UBC Blogs website

You can upload files such as images, PowerPoints, or PDFs to use on your site. Make sure the files are your own or that you have the owner's permission to use the material first.

  1. 登录UBC博客with your CWL.
  2. From the Dashboard, hover over the Media item in the sidebar, and select添新
  3. 选择文件to upload.
  4. 勾选适用的版权许可:
    • 凭借版权所有者的许可- 适用如果您创建了图像,有权持有人的许可,或者正在使用Creative Commons许可证
    • Public Domain- Applies when the work is in the公共区域(即,已过期的已过期版权或版权)
    • Other- Applies for cases outside the above uses that require additional explanation
  5. Note any additional information regarding the copyright permissions in the textbox provided, e.g., "the image has CC by 4.0 license on it" or "permission to upload from the copyright holder via email".
  6. Click上传将文件上传到UBC博客网站。上传完成后,您将能够链接到页面和帖子中的或将此文件嵌入。


  • UBC博客限制了您可以上传的文件的大小。Individual files can be up to a maximum of 20MB each and each UBC Blogs website has a limit of 500MB overall.


Menus in UBC Blogs are how you can build navigation for people to move through the pages or posts on your site.

  1. 登录UBC博客with your CWL.
  2. 从仪表板,悬停在侧边栏中的外观项,然后选择Menus
  3. 添加A.name为您的菜单,然后单击Create Menuto build your first menu.
  4. 在左侧的“添加菜单项”下,选择要包含的链接:
    • 页面- 链接到您创建的页面。
    • 帖子- 链接到您创建的帖子。
    • 自定义链接- Link to external web addresses, e.g., ubc.ca
    • Categories- Link to categories you've used for posts. UBC Blogs will auto-generate a page of all the posts under that category.
  5. 选择了所需链接后,单击Add to Menu。添加后,您可以通过拖动并删除它们进行排序。
  6. 选择显示位置,即,您希望菜单在网站上显示菜单。不同的主题可能有不同的菜单显示选项。
  7. Click保存Menu


  • 尝试使用少于十件物品进行顶级导航,以及比这更有的选项可以使您的网站令人困惑和压倒性导航。请记住,您可以使用子页面来帮助组织和修剪,例如,链接到每个项目的子页面的“研究项目”概述页面。
  • 清楚地区分并标记导航项目,所以访问者在点击每个链接时都知道预期的内容。想想他们可能会来到网站找到或做的,并使用您的导航来指导它们在正确的方向上。
  • UBC博客网站为加入它们的人分配不同的角色,这会影响对菜单的访问。只有“管理员”角色的人只能创建和编辑菜单。如果您有疑问或需要帮助,请contact us




  1. 登录UBC博客with your CWL.
  2. 从仪表板,将鼠标悬停在侧栏中的用户项,然后选择Invite User
  3. Enter the person'semail
  4. Select arole对于您网站上的人:
    • Administrator- can do anything on the site, including adding and removing users
    • 编辑- 可以发布帖子和页面并编辑其他人的内容
    • Author- can publish posts and pages but only edit their own content
    • Contributor- 可以在未经批准的情况下编写帖子和页面但不能发布它们
    • Subscriber- 无法写入内容,但也可以访问它,即使网站是私有的
  5. Click发送邀请


  1. 登录UBC博客with your CWL.
  2. Click插入在仪表板的侧边栏中,查找“添加用户Sidebar Widget”插件,然后单击Activate。This widget will let you add a signup form to your site.
  3. 从仪表板,悬停在侧边栏中的外观项,然后选择小部件
  4. 点击添加用户小部件,选择where您希望它出现,然后单击Add Widget
  5. 当添加用户窗口小部件打开时,请输入atitle并选择这一点roleyou would like people who sign up to have:
    • Author- can publish posts and pages but only edit their own content
    • Contributor- 可以在未经批准的情况下编写帖子和页面但不能发布它们
    • Subscriber- 无法写入内容,但也可以访问它,即使网站是私有的
  6. 查看添加A.password to stop unwanted users from signing up。这将阻止随机注册。
  7. Click保存,设置A.password, and click保存再次。当您邀请人们注册时,请记住分发密码。


  • 您通过电子邮件或使用注册邀请的任何人都必须先拥有UBC博客帐户。请求邀请通过使用其UBC CWL登录创建UBC博客帐户博客.UBC.CA/WP-ADMIN.

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