Microsoft Onedrive教练指南

Microsoft Onedrive是a secure file-hosting service这允许您从任何连接的设备存储,共享和同步文件和文件夹。它提供1TB的加密数据存储,文件版本控制以及脱机访问和编辑文件和文件夹的能力。OneDrive支持UBC教师,员工和学生实时在文件上确保和协作,具有粒度控制,谁能看到和编辑什么。

成本 Yes Free
Bandwidth Partial High demand
帆布集成 没有任何
隐私 Yes Microsoft Onedrive是Fippa.符合要求和数据安全地存储在加拿大
类似的UBC支持的工具 微软团队is a real-time document collaboration option


您可以使用Microsoft Onedrive进行许多方便功能的安全文件存储:

  • Creating, editing, and accessing your files from anywhere
  • Synchronizing files across multiple devices
  • Sharing and collaborating on files with others at UBC
  • Accessing files from微软团队

我需要使用Microsoft Onedrive什么?

A UBC Microsoft account

Active UBC employees should not need to do anything additional to get access to Microsoft OneDrive. You should automatically be able to log in using your email and UBC CWL password.

然而,有一些幕后的技术cal requirements your employee account needs to meet. If you have trouble logging in or your UBC email account does not end with “”, please contact the UBCIT Service Centre Help Deskfor help.

Microsoft Onedrive应用程序或支持的Web浏览器

Although Microsoft OneDrive has a web interface, you may find it more convenient to install the OneDrive application on your computer or mobile device. The application will create a OneDrive folder in your regular directory, where you can interact with the files you’re storing without having to log in on your web browser.

If you will be using the web browser, Microsoft OneDrive supports using the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.


  • Windows XP and Linux users will need to access OneDrive through the web interface,因为这些操作系统不适用于OneDrive应用程序。

How do I use Microsoft OneDrive?

有很多方法可以与Microsoft Onedrive互动,但它最容易下载用于管理您将存储在OneDrive上的文件的应用程序。或者,您可以登录Web界面并在那里管理文件。

单击下面的任何栏,以获取使用Microsoft Onedrive的说明和提示。

安装Microsoft Onedrive应用程序


  1. 在Windows 10上,已安装OneDrive。对于其他版本的Windows,通过进入桌面应用程序Microsoft OneDrive download pageand clickingDownload.
  2. Open theOnedrive安装程序that downloads, and follow the steps to install the application.
  3. Enter your email and your UBC CWL password when prompted to log in.
  4. When setup is complete, you will see a new OneDrive folder in your directory.


  1. If you are currently using the OneDrive Mac Store application, you must first uninstall it by dragging the application into your trash.
  2. Download the desktop application by going to theMicrosoft OneDrive download pageand clickingDownload.
  3. Open theOnedrive安装程序that downloads, and follow the steps to install the application.
  4. Enter your email and your UBC CWL password when prompted to log in.
  5. When setup is complete, you will see a new OneDrive folder in your directory.


  • You can download the OneDrive mobile application来自iOS App Store.或者Google Play Store.
  • 您不必安装应用程序以使用OneDrive;但是,您可能会发现它比使用Web界面更方便,因为Web界面将定期要求您登录。

Log in to the Microsoft OneDrive web interface

  1. Go your web browser.
  2. Enter your email and your UBC CWL password when prompted to log in.
  3. Select一个驱动器来自dashboard, and the interface will open in a new window.


  • 你不需要使用web界面,如果你installed the OneDrive application;however, you can use the web interface along with the application, as they work in tandem with each other.

Add files to Microsoft OneDrive

您可以通过OnedRive文件夹(如果您安装了应用程序以设置为此)和Web界面,添加,编辑和删除文件。无论如何访问它们(例如,计算机,移动设备,OneDrive Web界面),oneedRive中的文件将在一个地方同步,因此您可以在任何地方工作,而无需移动它们。

Options for adding files

  • 如果安装了应用程序,则可以通过将文件拖放到OneDrive文件夹中添加到OneDrive。
    • Additionally, you can save new files you create to the OneDrive folder.
  • 登录到Web界面后,您可以使用文件添加文件到OneDrive新的(to create a new file) or上传(在顶部上传现有文件)选项。
  • 您还可以将您创建的新文件保存到“Onedrive - 英国哥伦比亚大学”目的地。


  • You can make changes to your OneDrive folder while you are offline, and updates will be synced automatically once you are online again.
  • Green checkmark icons in your OneDrive folder indicate files you can work on offline. Other一个驱动器status icons mean different things.

在Microsoft Onedrive上共享文件


  1. 为文件启动共享设置:
    • If you installed the application, you can manage sharing of individual files by right-clicking them in the OneDrive folder and choosing分享.
    • 或者,在登录Web界面后,选择单个文件并单击分享在顶部。
  2. 一旦您启动了共享设置,您就可以选择谁应该看到和/或编辑文件。要查找UBC的人,请使用他们的名字,姓氏或电子邮件地址。
  3. Click发送对于指定的人通过电子邮件收到邀请,或点击Copy Linkto send the link yourself.


  • You can follow the same process outlined here to update existing share settings, but if you log in to the web interface and click a file, you will find a more streamlined way to modify share settings.
  • You can also use OneDrive to share entire folderswith other people. Files placed in these shared folders will automatically be shared with the people who can access the folder. This method of sharing is convenient if you will have a number of documents for the same group.
  • In the mobile application, press and hold the file you want to share, in order to see the share option.

访问Microsoft Onedrive中与您共享的文件

You will receive a notification from OneDrive or from the person sharing with you when a new file is available.

  1. ClickOpen或者关联, and you will be directed to a new tab in your browser.
  2. 如果提示,请使用UBC凭据登录OneDrive。
  3. 确认您的电子邮件地址以打开文件。


  • Using the web interface, you can access what's been shared with you by clicking Sharedin the navigation. In fact, you can toggle there between "Shared with me" and "Shared by me".

Collaborate with others in Microsoft OneDrive

如果您将与他人合作,您可以使用Microsoft Onedrive以多种方式跟踪您的协作。

  • When you are working on a shared document, if anyone else is also working on it at the same time, you'll be able to see them as an icon at the top of the document.
    • Clicking thaticonwill give you the option to jump to where they are working in the document.
  • 每个共享文件都有一个名为版本历史记录的东西。此历史记录跟踪每个人所做的更改并随着时间的推移保存不同的版本,因此您可以看到谁制作了编辑和还原或保存旧版本。
    • View the history of any shared document when you are in it by clicking thefile name在顶部,选择Version History. You can see and restore previous edits to the document.


  • 如果您在Web界面中,您可以在任何文件中查看最近活动的摘要通过右键单击该文件并从选项中选择详细信息。此操作将开一个小组,其中包含时间顺序活动历史记录。

我在哪里可以获得更多的支持Microsoft Onedrive?

Technical support

If you have trouble with Microsoft OneDrive:


Learn more
