

Why did you decide to run your course on edX?

UBC is trying to increase its distance education course offerings in order to meet the needs of students throughout the province and internationally and also to offer more flexibility to students in Vancouver as well. Instructor Jeremy Heyl decided to take up the challenge with his Exploring the Universe: Stars and Galaxies course (ASTR 311). His main concern, however, was to offer the students of the distance education course the same content, equally effective assessments, activities and learning tools that they would receive in an on-campus course, but in a different form. Jeremy and doctorial student Ilaria Caiazzo decided to build the course using EdX, thanks to the possibility of including multimedia content smoothly and of creating interactive exercises and practice questions. The rich possibilities of EdX seemed to make it the best suited platform.


What were the main challenges/successes on running your course in edX?

去年春天,远程教育课程首次与课堂课程平行。在每一个远程教育课程中的主要挑战是,每个远程教育课程都是难以理解学生在进步的感觉,他们喜欢的是,他们不喜欢的是他们所遇到最大挑战的部分。Ilaria认为,与学生一起沟通至关重要,以鼓励他们与任何问题联系课程团队,并在他们提出时提醒他们截止日期。在课程的第一次运行期间,他们在锁定步骤中运行了课程课程,但在第二次运行Chrais Crowley和CTLT的Hailan Chen建议在EDX上的任务,甚至更规则(每隔一个星期六)比校园课程,让学生完全知道预期和何时。

It was crucial to communicate regularly with the students to encourage them contact the course team with any problems and also to remind them of the deadlines as they come up.


What has been the result?

From the homework and tutorials it was clear that the distance education student were performing on average as well as the in-class ones. In fact, the average grade of the final exam was similar for the two sections. At the end of the term the reviews of the course were positive and during the summer the course registered a big increase in the amount of students that signed up for the distance-education course: from 30 in the spring to 80 in the summer. They have decide to offer the distance-education section continually through the year to meet the demand.

Furthermore, Jeremy and Ilaria are considering to migrate the on-campus section offered in January to EdX from Connect. In this way the students in the on-campus section will benefit from the activities that they developed on EdX.

What is your advice for the new user of edX?

Jeremy和Ilaria的建议是探索EDX / EDGE提供的所有可能性。EDX的最佳特征是建立广泛的活动,这至少可以弥补了远程教育课程的学生不能参与讲座的事实。另一个重要方面是学生互相的互动,可以通过使用对等体评估工具,EDX内的讨论页面或使用其他平台,如Google +和Facebook等。


The edX platform poses some challenges to blend assessments on the platform and assessments graded by the instructors and teaching assistants. Ilaria argues that these graded assessments provide crucial feedback to the students and are absolutely worth the effort. Using the Staff Graded Assignment tool makes it easy to grade and offer feedback. Jeremy also has set up a form using survey.ubc.ca to help match the students on EdX to their UBC identities and an LTI tool to upload grades (such as the final exam) to EdX, so the students can see all their progress in one place. Jeremy also wrote a script to migrate the entire course from one term to the next by changing all of the due dates to reflect the schedule of the new term.

The Staff Graded Assignment tool makes it easy to grade and offer feedback.
