Browse an alphabetized list of centrally supported UBC tools.
Learn what the centrally-supported tools at UBC do, what they’re good for, and how instructors have used them in courses.
- Getting professional recordings of lectures conducted in classrooms
- 在使用便携式专业设备的其他空间中录制特殊活动,例如客人讲座或演示文稿
- 录制屏幕和网络摄像头以创建显示幻灯片和您的展示或演示文稿,以获得更强大的教练存在
- Fine-tuning your videos afterward, including editing video length, adding audio tracks, and even including motion animations
UBC’s primary learning platform for
- Sharing text and multimedia course content through customizable, organizational units called modules
- 通过公告和消息将信息安全地与学生牢固
- Facilitating assignments (including group assignments), quizzes, and exams
- 支持ing group work with private spaces for collaboration and discussion boards to promote asynchronous conversations
UBC Examples
Read about UBC instructor experiences在法律课程中使用画布andusing Canvas in an engineering course.
UBC’s Canvas-based learning platform for
- 支持ing just-in-time, self-paced learning online, like continuing education and professional development
- Managing assignment collection of images, videos, and PDFs, which you can organize and ask students to review
- Seeing how students annotate and offer highly contextualized feedback on their own or their peers’ multimedia work
UBC Examples
Read about UBC instructor experiences在教育课程中使用CLAand在音乐中使用CLA.
- Meeting in real-time sessions for interactive lectures (up to 500 participants), office hours, and presentations
- 使课堂协作使用视频,奥迪o, text chat, screen-sharing, whiteboards, and polls
- 支持ing synchronous online group work and discussions with smaller breakout groups during a session
A peer feedback tool for
- Managing student peer assessment assignments, including collecting work (done in groups or by individuals) and automating distribution of this work to peers
- Seeing how students compare and offer feedback on pairs of their peers’ work, which helps them identify strengths and weaknesses using their innate comparative judgement
- 创建,收集和分级完全在线分配和评估
- Creating paper-based assessments that are then scanned, graded, and returned to students online
- 允许多个年级学生级别同一学生提交,甚至并行同一问题而不覆盖彼此
- Sharing text and multimedia course content through customizable modules
- Facilitating assignments (including student peer assessment options) and quizzes
UBC Examples
Read about instructor experiencesusing edX Edge in an astronomy courseandusing edX Edge in a research methods course.
A collaborative version-control tool for
- Sharing code and projects across a course for students to build on
- Collecting and assessing student coding assignments and labs
- 创建,收集和分级完全在线分配和评估
- Creating paper-based assessments that are then scanned, graded, and returned to students online
- 允许多个年级学生级别同一学生提交,甚至并行同一问题而不覆盖彼此
- Checking student knowledge and opinions in real time through polls (single questions) and quizzes (sets of multiple questions), conducted anonymously or for marks online
- Tracking attendance for lectures
- Automatically counting poll outcomes toward student grades in Canvas, if you set up syncing
A peer review tool for group work for
- 要求学生诚实地告诉你,他们有多觉得每个集团成员使用量化和/或定性反馈贡献
- 通过促进学生评估自己的贡献和/或释放匿名反馈的宣传自我反思,因此学生了解对同龄人的贡献如何
A media platform built in to Canvas for
- Recording, storing, and streaming lectures, presentations, or other multimedia course content
- 创建互动视频测验以增加学生参与
- Adding closed captioning and transcripts to videos
UBC Examples
UBC’s application for course reserves for
- 请求来自UBC库的材料保留为您的课程
- Ensuring course materials are added in a copyright-complaint way
An illuminated whiteboard to use in recording for
- 在校园的专业工作室中捕捉人的讲座
- Adding visual appeal with “floating” text imagery to increase student engagement, especially for “flatter” concepts
UBC Examples
阅读关于UBC教练的经验using Lightboard in an English course.
A special browser with restrictions for
- Restricting what students can do in their main browser (e.g., no printing, copying, accessing other websites) during a Canvas quiz
- 锁定在线评估,以及个人或远程招生
A group collaboration and chat tool for
- Creating an online space for class and/or group collaboration and document sharing
- 与学生在实时聊天与办公时间和一对一的会面会面
- 通过公共和私人沟通渠道和线程讨论讨论
- Creating, editing, and accessing your files from anywhere
- Synchronizing files across multiple devices
- Sharing and collaborating on files with others at UBC
- Recording with professional equipment while talking with your slides behind you, just as you might during an in-person lecture or presentation
- Getting support from UBC Studios staff in taking away a finished video file
A learning analytics-driven communication tool for
- Sending targeted custom messages to groups of students meeting specific learning criteria (e.g., those performing well or poorly on a learning activity)
- Streamlining and automating personalized feedback for students, even within large classes
UBC Examples
Watch a UBC sociology instructor discussusing OnTask for mass message personalization并阅读两个UBC物理教练的经历使用OnTask让学生追踪.
- Managing assignment collection of work done in groups or by individuals and automating distribution of this work to peers
- Seeing how students mark and offer feedback on their peers’ work based on rubrics you set
- Having students evaluate the feedback they receive and/or resubmit a revised work, as the final phase of the assignment
A peer review tool for generating quiz questions for
- Encouraging studying for upcoming quizzes or exams by engaging with peers’ study questions
- Adding a gamification aspect to question-writing that may help motivate students to develop stronger understanding.
A discussion board tool for
- 关于类似客体的对话,即学生可以协作编辑并跟踪问题如何随着时间的推移而发展
- Increasing engagement with other interactive options like polling within the discussion space
A remote proctoring tool for
- Adding remote proctoring to Canvas quizzes
- Restricting what students can do on their computers during exams (e.g. preventing them from accessing other applications, websites, and browser windows/tabs) and requiring identity verification from each student before an exam
- Reviewing “suspicious” moments in the student recordings that Proctorio’s algorithms will flag for you and/or your teaching assistants to check
A survey tool for
- Building custom surveys using more than 100 question types as well as add advanced branching and other workflow customization
- Collaborating on surveys with other UBC users and/or privately sharing outcomes with specific individuals using the built-in automated reporting, visualizations, and analytics
A formative assessment-building tool for
- 离线创建评估,然后将其导入画布进行在线分发和分级
- Exporting assessments into Word or text files that can be printed for in-class use.
A collaboration assistance tool for
- Determining the overlap of regular working hours for everyone in a Canvas course
- 安排同步课程活动,以便容纳多数
A learning analytics tool for
- 可视化讨论,了解学生在帆布讨论中如何互相互动
- Identifying isolated students to encourage engagement between them and the rest of the class
- Building a course website to share course materials
- Enabling group work by inviting students to author a website together
- Encouraging students to set up their own sites to display portfolios or reflections
- 公开分享自己的开放教育资源
UBC Examples
阅读关于UBC教练的经验using UBC Blogs in a philosophy course.
- Sharing course content in an open, Wikipedia-style space
- 在课程中进行在线协同写作,具有追踪的修订
UBC Examples
Read about UBC instructor experiences使用维基赋予学生为公众知识做出贡献andusing Wiki to foster collaboration between students and co-instructors.
A video animation tool for
- 自定义简单但有吸引力的动画,使用视觉效果鼓励学生的好奇心和信息的认知处理
- Having students use VideoScribe in creating content of their own for course activities or assignments
An assignment and quiz tool for
- Creating custom numeric problems and equations that can be assigned as parts of homework or quizzes
- 从宽审查的库中选择预先制定的数字问题和方程,以分配给学生
- 给学生即时反馈关于问题的答案,以及多次尝试
- Meeting in real-time sessions for interactive lectures, office hours, and presentations
- 使课堂协作使用视频,奥迪o, text chat, screen-sharing, whiteboards, and polls
- 在会话期间支持同步在线组工作和讨论较小的突破室
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