
Student Peer Assessments

March 26, 2021 at 5:17 pm

Find tools to help you incorporate student peer assessments into a course. These tools are categorized by 1) those used when students review one another’s work (Canvas Peer Review, CLAS, ComPAIR, peerScholar) and 2) those used when students review one another’s performance in the context of group work (iPeer, peerScholar).Read more »

Posted inCanvas,CLAS,ComPAIR,ipe,peerScholar

peerScholar Instructor Guide

December 11, 2020 at 11:50 am

Introduction and instructions for using peerScholar, a peer review tool that allows a high degree of granularity and customization in how you have students review one another’s work.Read more »

Posted inpeerScholar